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Domestic demand growth for machinery automation products

Posted by:W&G International Co., Ltd.

The domestic market for high-end semi-automatic platen die-cutting machine particularly fast growth in demand, while the mid-range, especially for low-end demand is less and less. In this case, we are bound to raise the domestic high-end CNC machine tools market competitiveness. However, the current domestic high-end CNC machine tools The overall situation is: quality not increase, costs get down.
The reason the one hand, we end CNC system and features high foreign dependence; the other hand, we have deep grasp of technology development is not enough, only knew enough, without knowing why. A high-end CNC machine tools tend to be high-end CNC system and the collection of high-end features. To this end, and now many domestic machine tool companies that their products in the secondary development of numerical control system's ability to engage in significant enough, and only use those features on a standard platform; Even with the same high-end CNC system, the domestic machine tool applications levels and adapt has been limited scope. Therefore, the major breakthrough in CNC systems and functional components development bottleneck is particularly urgent.

Objectively speaking, the current China-made CNC machine tools technical standards that have greatly improved our technological breakthroughs, 04 science and technology projects are also described as fruitful, but the high-end machine tool industry, the pace is still difficult. Our five-axis only sell someone else's half or less than half the price, the key lies in the depth and breadth of software development is not enough on the performance and quality of stagnant. Now you need to trade at a deep level of technology, research and industrial technology point, the only way to go up to the competitiveness of products.

Since we in the overall R & D system and other deficiencies, in the short term in order to enhance the domestic high-end CNC machine tools industry level is still difficult, we must point to an area, the first in a number of key application areas to achieve a breakthrough. The automobile, for example, the current domestic high-end CNC machine tools although individual car companies in the production line has been applied, but in the FAW, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and other leading enterprises leading automotive products key components production line, but also did not achieve a breakthrough.

Currently, the domestic machine tool manufacturers in general is big but not strong, and functional components and CNC enterprises are neither big nor strong. Therefore, in order to promote "grow stronger" progressive realization of the target, China Machine Tool Industry Association in the development of industry development plans, and after internal detailed discussion of the preliminary proposed three iconic goals: first, to the industry, mainly services of key enterprises leading products typical parts processing equipment, a breakthrough. Second, the domestic high-end CNC machine tools CNC machine tools particularly in the domestic market share improved significantly, the domestic high-end CNC machine tool numerical control system and main functions of the application components localization improved significantly. Third, a few or more machine tool products become internationally renowned brands, a handful or more enterprises to become strong corporate world.

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